Revival in Benin

Group of twenty-six women in Benin wearing red shirts with a white Gospel Joy logo stand together in front of a church sanctuary decorated in pink and green fabric.

This summer Sylvia, our program officer, felt the Lord calling her to hold a training in Benin in addition to the ones she was already doing in Cameroon and Togo. After much prayer, we decided to send Sylvia to Benin. Benin is the birth place of voodooism and we knew walking into the situation there could be spiritual warfare. After an email went out to our prayer team to increase their intercession, Sylvia crossed the border from Togo into Benin to hold a training.

 When she arrived, there were twenty-six people waiting to be trained! This is more than double our normal training limit, and yet they were all eager to participate. During the three-day event, about half the participants finally understood the Gospel and dedicated their lives to Christ. We are learning that even if there are people, leaders, in the church that they might not know the Gospel message. How can you study the word without the Holy Spirit? And so, the Gospel is preached first and then we dive into topics such as why study the Bible, why memorize scripture, and the consecrated life. The Holy Spirit worked in this church, the head of the denomination, Pastor Davo, saying that it was a revival that they needed.

 Since this training in July, they have launched fifteen audio Bible study groups across rural Benin. They already have plans to five more groups. More than one hundred people in Benin alone are studying the word of God with Gospel Joy’s materials! They are hungry for the word of God, some groups already completing two studies!  

 Toward the end of Sylvia’s time in Benin, she learned that the city she was training in was the actual birthplace of voodooism. The Light of the Lord is not scared of the darkness. He goes to the darkest, most remote places on earth and declares his glory amongst the people! There is a revival happening in Benin- not one of just knowing the Gospel, but one of deep longing to have a relationship with God. We praise the Lord that Gospel Joy gets to play a small role in this.


The Essence of GJI’s Training Program


Why We focus on Women